All war supporters are excrement of Satan!
Children of the Universe
Website banned in the Gangster Federation*
*Alien Agent
The government and the «people» of the Russian Federation have gone mad…

No one, with rare exceptions, understands that the World, WE ALL, on the very edge of a nuclear war, which the distraught rulers of the Russian Federation ARE ALREADY READY to start, and in which there WILL BE NO winners, but there will be a complete destruction of the Earth and all mankind.

That is ALL OF US!

After all the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, WHICH THE AUTHORITIES AND THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ARE ALREADY READY FOR, will be the beginning of a nuclear war and the destruction of our Planet TOGETHER WITH ALL OF US!

Do all these stupidly jubilant «people» understand this, waving fascist semi-svastikas and shouting slogans in support of the DIABOLIC war???

This crazy war in Ukraine is the beginning of the destruction of the human world according to the Devil's plan(!), which was started by the half-witted and criminal authorities of the Russian Federation (and not Ukraine at all!), who turned Great Russia into a dirty, latrine and created a bandit system in the country according to diabolical concepts.

Therefore, today, more than ever, it is vital for all reasonable people to realize the terrible reality:

ACCORDING TO THE DIABOLIC PLAN OF DARKNESS the THUGGISH, ANTI-PEOPLE and ANTI-RUSSIAN authorities consciously and systematically destroyed all the Light, all true Culture, everything human that is still left in the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR.

All its TRUE, Light Power instead of giving the «people» all the dirt from all over the world and all the criminal shit that has always been only in the gangster environment! Now it has come into our life.

Maybe someone grunts that «everything is wrong»?! Maybe some sheep, who believes the rotten and deceitful RF-media, will object and write that the current «Russia» is the most «honest and legal state»(?!) and all Russians are «very good, smart and kind people»?..

Although, in fact, what kind of STUPID BRUTES and just TRAITORS should we be in order for all the «people» to first accept an ILLEGAL, ANTI-PEOPLE AND BANDIT coup in Moscow, and then — a BANDIT device in the «country» and life according to the concepts of the Devil!?

There is not ANYTHING human in us if we justify and support this DIABOLIC war in Ukraine!

Only the last scumbags, completely devoid of reason, heart and everything human, can not see WHAT is really happening in our BROTHERLY Ukraine!

How the bandit «Russian army» systematically and squarely destroys the very «Russian world» that it came to «save and protect»… How flourishing cities and towns disappear, women, old people, children die. How our nearest and dearest people die together with our relatives…

We can see how according to the devil's plan(!) two Slavic peoples incited by criminal politicians against each other are destroying each other!

When under normal, non-bandit power in the Russian Federation, it was always possible to agree with each other on the joint Construction of FRATERNAL states.

But what(???) normal country will cooperate with the criminal Russian Federation, where everything is built only according to gangster concepts and no laws apply?!

And what kind of «army» can a real GANG have??? Only BANDIT one!

Therefore, the Russian Federation has started and is waging this GANG war according to the laws of the gang! Having previously turned 75% of Russians into Zombie fools for its support. After all, only the most inveterate fools, stuffed with shit and darkness, can believe the GANGSTER Russian media!

And now the leader of the Russian Federation, relying on this semi-criminal «people» – decomposed, stupid and fetid garbage, and blasphemously hiding behind the glorious pages of the history of Russia and the USSR is ready to destroy the whole Earth, ALL OF US.

Just to «win» and prove your inhuman «rightness»…

After all, Putin with his ignorance and because of his perverted conceit could not understand the most important Truth — that NO ONE IS STRONG AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF THE PEOPLE! Therefore, he was going to destroy Ukraine «victoriously» in ONE week!

Нe can see that he shamefully «fucked up», DISGRACED and let the Russian Federation and ALL OF US(!) down, Putin in his dark madness is ready to destroy the whole world – TOGETHER WITH HIMSELF AND US!

PEOPLE, let's think, about WHAT is happening!

Let's think about OUR children – they all face a REAL terrible death in a nuclear fire!!!

Only think about it, about YOURSELF, if you are real PEOPLE — whoever you are!

If you want to live and have future, THINK ABOUT THE TERRIBLE REALITY OF OUR DAYS!

After all, at any moment, distraught by impunity and shameful failures, Putin can press the «red button» and that will mean THE END OF EVERYTHING.

After all, what he is doing with his gang is the real CLINICAL MADNESS!

And everyone who defends and justifies this inhuman, fascist war is clinically insane.

Therefore, do right now EVERYTHING to prevent this nuclear madness and universal destruction!


A bunch of rotten and crazed werewolves-politicians and stupid ghouls-military can't decide for all of us IF WE (and our children!!!) SHOULD LIVE OR NOT!

And to be or not to be our common cosmic Home!

Who wants to die, he will die soon enough according to the Law of Life! Life and Karma will not forgive ANYONE who unleashed this deadly war and supports it.

But who wants to live and have a future, he must speak out against the ruling thug bandits who are maddened by impunity, and now from blood and military failures! They have no right to dictate their BANDIT conditions to us and push the World into the abyss of imminent self-destruction!

It is vitally important for all people with reason to realize that ALL the statements of the CRIMINAL authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as all the «information» in the Russian media, are one hundred percent GOEBELSIAN lies and a diabolical distortion of reality!

And who believes them when EVERYTHING is already visible – he is either a complete FOOL, or the BANDIT himself and the same inhuman EVIL SPIRITS!

Therefore, this Appeal is only to PEOPLE: do not sleep, do not be indifferent when the Fate of Russia and the World itself is being decided (and your own personal fate!!!), but do EVERYTHING to stop THE INHUMANS!

LET'S UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH: PUTIN JUST SPAT ON ALL OF US, ON THE WHOLE PEOPLE, ON THE WHOLE COUNTRY(!), because he doesn't think we're HUMAN, he thinks such PEOPLE with reason, strength and will don't exist anymore.

According to his diabolic plan to destroy Russia, Putin long ago turned Russians into stupid, soulless, garbage suckers, without Culture and everything human. And he is sure that NO ONE will oppose him and his gangster-fascist government.

Therefore, this appeal (fateful for the Earth and every person!) only to REAL PEOPLE! If there are any left in Russia.

We have nothing to lose and our goal is sacred: to save the Earth, children and humanity for the Future unlike the fascist scumbags, who are followed by the Devil, universal Death and the destruction of the Planet, which naturally awaits the most terrible Hell!

And now let every person will do it consciously with his heart, thoughts and corresponding action, your last and decisive Choice:


Everyone who has a human Mind, who has not rotted (like everyone else) and wants to live, we invite you to absolutely SPECIAL sites:
www.children-of-universe.site and www.putin-kozel.site

We are very sorry for some possible mistakes in the text! And we would appreciate you, if you could tell us about such mistakes.
Now any war, and even more so a nuclear one, IS DEATH for your Planet!

Stop AT ANY COST the politicians who have gone mad and lost everything human and all the accomplices of the war who are carrying out a diabolical plan to destroy the Earth!


Do not sleep in the most terrible Hour for your Earth! Now the Fate of all humans and personally YOURS is being decided!

There IS NOTHING MORE important now than saving your Planet! Because absolutely EVERYTHING depends on it.


Therefore, in the name of Peace and Life, fearing no one and nothing, ACT!

We are very sorry for some possible mistakes in the text! And we would appreciate you, if you could tell us about such mistakes.

Everyone who has a human Mind, who has not rotted (like everyone else) and wants to live, we invite you to absolutely SPECIAL sites:

www.children-of-universe.site and www.putin-kozel.site


The appointed hour has arrived! Everyone, who can respond, even to some extent, will find themselves within the influence of My Rays. Only the acceptance of the Rays will provide attraction to the One Focus of Light. Those remaining deaf will respond to the attraction of the forces of darkness, and will be drawn to the realm of darkness.

Over the entire planet the dazzling light of the Dividing Sword will be seen, as it separates those of Light from those of darkness. This is the great time of Judgement, when everyone, as their own judge, carries out the last and final judgement.

And no one will help, and will not be in a position to help to those separated by the Sword into the shadowy realm of darkness. The lightning of the Spirit will flash as if in a thunderstorm, leaving people transformed. The aura of the planet will be transformed, a there will be no place for darkness. Then darkness will lose its power to influence the majority. Defeated by the Light, it will leave the planet and with it all those who remained faithful to it, all the offshoots of darkness, all those who did not accept the Light. There are no words to convey the greatness of the moment of the cosmic celebration of the victory on the planet of Light over darkness.

Thus I speak, the Master of Shambhala, at the threshhold of the Hour of Judgement.

One must accept and believe the idea of the New World now. Later, it may be too late because the fire will bum those who are not in tune with the new energies.

Watching the madness of those who are against the New World, one can already see the influence of the spatial fiery waves on those organisms, which are not able to assimilate them. The reaction of these organisms is in opposition to the Light.

A Judgement is already taking place on the planet, but it is not yet understood. But it will have to be understood, because the influence of the waves will increase, lifting the consciousness of those people, who can accomodate the new waves and elevate them to a new life. Or the influence will destroy those, who will take the consequences of their own madness, Terrible is the Last Judgement.

Nobody can avoid the Judgement of himself. The inevitability of judgement rests on the selfjudgement or self-justification of those who have accepted or rejected the Light, the evolutionary energies. How can one avoid the judgement, if he breathes the air, which is nourished with fire? And the fire, after entering the organism, becomes either creative or destructive, burning everything which does not accord with it.

There are many signs of the new epoch, but people do not want to see them. But they will have to see them and accept them, because one can reject reality only to a certain extent. Even the blind feel the sun. The sun of Life is rising over the world. Nobody can deny the Sun of Life. But one may not accept and may reject it. The Sun will shine over the planet, but there will be no place for those, who have rejected it.

We are at present awakening people to an understanding of the Common Good. Those who have accepted it will live. Those who have rejected it will exclude themselves from the Great Plan. Opposition to the Great Plan can take place up to a certain limit, and this is near. Unprecedented is the time. The great and the small, the Light and the dark, the Hight and the low are competing for victory in this last struggle.

But it is the Light that will be victorious. To all who are with me, I give a guarantee. To all who are against me, I predict — defeat. To be with me means to be with the New World as against the old one, it means to be on the side of Evolution.

Agni Yoga Facets, VI
To those who do not understand Coronavirus will explain everything
How to protect yourself from the new wave of Coronavirus

I want to warn you right now that I am not imposing anything on anyone and I am not trying to mislead anyone, but I am only trying to help those who according to their spiritual and moral level are above the other ones.

Moreover, this means that someone is able to realize that what the morally corrupted majority is incapable to understand. This morally corrupted majority is the overwhelming part of the world's inhabitants, including Russians.

Precisely because of the complete degradation and unthinkable swinishness of people who have forgotten everything human, for the violators of the highly moral Laws of Life a terrible and merciless virus of Retribution called Coronavirus appeared.

Therefore, so that THE NEW WAVE OF CORONAVIRUS does not kill you, it is necessary not only TO UNDERSTAND, but also TO ACCEPT the Rules of the only real survival and immediately recast yourself for a new life in full accordance with the coming Time of Reckoning.

For this, the saving Rules are given, but they are just for people with intelligence who are able to realize the reality of what is happening now on Earth, including the Russian Federation.

Therefore, the sooner you realize that our old rotten and crazy world is going nowhere, and instead of it, a completely different, opposite to the outgoing one is forming, the sooner you will be able to adapt yourself to completely new conditions.

And you will be able to manage to protect yourself from the virus, from which, in the near future, billions of people will die.

And although no one believes in this terrible reality today, when tomorrow comes, it will be too late to believe! Because after the first preventive wave of the deadly virus will come another, much more terrible than the first.

And then neither masks, nor medicines, nor vaccines will help anyone! Death will hover in all cities of the planet and there will be no salvation from it anywhere and to anyone.

Therefore, today, before it is too late, it is vitally important to understand the reason of this virus, which is terrible for humanity. To save those who are able to evolve and so that at least someone stayed on Earth.

Even in ancient times, it was said that a man is a Microcosm. In each of us there is everything that only exists in the universe, including all viruses and coronavirus too. All of them constantly live in people, while dormant and they wake up only when a person is morally degraded and becomes dangerous to life on Earth

Even now all mankind has become the mortal enemy of the Planet.

Therefore, to live in the old way, as everyone is accustomed to, is already impossible! Otherwise, distraught human race will destroy itself and its Planet.

That’s why the natural protection mechanism of Life was activated, and it will only intensify with all the dire consequences for people.

It's time to realize the reality: the Earth has entered a New Cosmic Epoch, and everyone who wants to live must understand and accept the rules of life.

Therefore, coronavirus is the LAST formidable Warning to the ignorant and immoral humanity!

Everyone who does not understand it, as well as the reason for the appearance of a deadly virus, and does not change their lifestyle, will be destroyed as creatures dangerous for the Planet.

Therefore, the Rules of Real Salvation are offered to everyone in whom there is reason.

Neither other action, nor money directed to the fight against the consequences of human degradation will not help or save!

It is URGENT to begin the fight against the CAUSE of the coronavirus – the cultural and moral decay of humanity. Otherwise, the Earth may soon become empty…

But NOBODY, neither scientists, nor politicians, nor journalists still understands the REASON for the emergence of a "strange" virus!

And even the thought does not arise to look for the cause of this pandemic in the moral decline of mankind.

And NOBODY even says about the main thing that this virus is a punishment from Above. For all the sins of people, for all evil against each other and Living Nature!

No one understands this and does not even want to understand it. Everyone still considers themselves and all people "kind and good"…

Moreover, the defenders of this stupid and dark world have come to the point that all reasonable people who understand the importance of the emergence of a coronavirus for saving the Earth, began to be called "eco-fascists"!

Although in fact, the real fascists and Satanists are all those who support this civilization of murderers. Because the way people behave in relation to animals and to Nature in general, you can't call it anything but legalized fascism.

Killing and devouring unfortunate animals and birds, no one even wants to think that they want to live no less than people do, because people have long turned into NON-HUMAN and have lost ALL human.

That is why they call those, who have not lost their minds and compassion for living beings, "eco-fascists."

Therefore, it is natural that another will come for this virus - even more scary!

And then he will finally enlighten all those who do not understand.

After all, despite the fact that all of humanity is clearly rotten and because of this the Earth is on the verge of destruction, everyone is discussing the struggle only with the corona virus itself.

Instead of paying attention to the reason for its appearance, all efforts should be directed to the most important thing salvific for people and the Planet – the Moral Improvement of Mankind,

And until the governments of the countries, the UN, WHO and the people themselves do not understand this main thing, the terrible waves of pandemics will go one after another, until only a handful of men living according to the moral Laws of Life will remain of humanity.

It seems that this is exactly how it will be…

Therefore, now it is vitally important for everyone who wants to live to understand: people have deviated from the true human Path, Commanded from Above so much that only with the help of the coronavirus at least someone can be returned to a moral and reasonable life.

Otherwise, humanity will destroy itself and the Earth without a nuclear war - with its devilish "economy", vile politicians and satanic way of life.

We must realize that people have already become so stupid and rotten that they have ceased to understand the obvious: they have become the worst enemies of Nature and Nature does not forgive this!

Therefore, they waited for the Sword of Retribution in the form of coronavirus.

And it will definitely mow down everyone who does not have time to change himself to a moral and reasonable Person. Nature will not let any of the degraded geeks into the New Future! Only morally pure people will be able to enter it.

Let everyone who wants to live understand and remember this!

Therefore, for all people with intelligence, these New Life Rules are saving!

The question of the LIFE AND DEATH of humankind on Earth has already arisen. To live the way people lived before is already IMPOSSIBLE. And this terrible virus is the LAST Warning to every person.

And the Rules of Survival are the LAST real Chance for everyone who has not lost his mind and wants to live.

The Time of Reckoning has come for all the evil that people have done on Earth. And all those who do not want to change themselves for the better and live according to the moral Laws of Life, only one thing awaits them – self-destruction and hell.
This is the reality of our special Time. And the last choice is yours!

It is necessary to start with the simplest, but vitally important thing!

What do people eat? Or rather what does everybody eat like savages? Anything they have!

And they don't even think about WHAT they push into their mouth! And they eat only POISON instead of real and wholesome human food.

That is, people eat like savages that what is strictly forbidden from ABOVE!

All such "products" associated with the KILLING of living beings - animals and birds. Eating these products, people thus become accomplices to murderers and the destruction of Nature.

And Nature does not forgive this and takes revenge on people with the most dangerous and deadly diseases.

That is, by eating living beings, a person sentences himself to self-destruction.
Because according to the Law of Life, whoever kills and supports murderers will be killed himself.

Therefore, you can save yourself ONLY by changing your diet from meat to vegetarian!

And whoever does not believe in this reality will sentence himself to death.

The sword of Nature - the coronavirus - will kill everyone who lives at the expense of another's life.

All meat-eaters will soon be destroyed.

Remember: this is the last Warning from Above!

Realize this truth today! Tomorrow it will be too late.
Palm poison, which is stuffed with almost all "products" in the Russian Federation, is very harmful and undermines health. It literally destroys the immune system of a person (especially a child!) which is extremely important for the body's defense.

Therefore, all Russians are in grave danger. The use of such "products" during a terrible pandemic will only accelerate their extinction.

But WHO is to blame if people THEMSELVES allowed such a thing? After all, NO ONE even protests against the destruction of them (along with the children!) with palm poison!

Everyone calmly devours that what even rats die from! Therefore, do not grumble at God, but only at yourself - when the turn of reckoning comes!

It's time to know the most important thing for every person: our bodies are built and formed from everything that we eat.

That is, our food is the real and only building material of which our body is composed.

And if it consists of ANTI-NATURAL material for human nature - bloody (meat), poisonous and artificial "food", then the corona virus will mow down everyone who madly swallows it.

Because this virus has a fiery nature, it literally burns bodies built of worthless materials and if people do not come to their senses urgently and do not eat what the Creator intended for them, they will soon die out in millions!
Now, when a special time has come, it is urgent and vital for all mankind to understand exactly the cause of the virus.

In order to have time to change your consciousness of savages and killers of nature to moral and human and switch to saving food for people – Vegetarian.
Otherwise, the coronavirus will explain everything to lovers of bloody "food"!

And then you will have to pay with your own life for your addiction to devouring other living beings.

Therefore, consider the vital thing for yourself: an urgent transition to vegetable, cereal and dairy - real human food - will help you survive during ANY pandemics. Including during the terrible new wave of coronavirus.

Because everyone who wants to live has to build their bodies out of Natural material from Nature URGENTLY!

For this, time has been given to people now, for realizing reality and restructuring themselves and their bodies.

Otherwise, the virus will destroy everyone who lives an inhuman life and whose bodies are built of meat unnatural to Nature material!

The time for persuasion and clarification is over. Therefore, now all those who are aware is explained how to save their lives from the Sword of Nature's Retribution.

It is time to understand that the time has come to payback for all those who live due to the death of animals and birds, due to the destruction of Nature and the death of the Earth.

Therefore, everyone who wants to live and enter a New Future must urgently become highly moral and conscientious PEOPLE! Otherwise, you will have to deal with a deadly virus.
Otherwise it is impossible, because the planet Earth has entered a completely NEW Time, and only those who MANAGE to become a real Person, highly moral and with an understanding of what is happening, will live on it.

All the others will be destroyed.

And now, at a crucial hour for the Motherland and the Planet, we talk about it directly to help everyone who wants to survive and enter a New Future. There is no time to pay attention to the rest – SUICIDES.

Therefore, we invite everyone, who is sane and has a desire to live, to join us and go along the saving Path indicated to humanity from Above!

You should know! NOBODY AND NOTHING will get rid of retribution that fallen, corrupted humanity deserves.

All those who have rejected and are rejecting a bright, moral life according to the Laws of the Almighty will be swept away! As well as those who contributed to the decomposition of people and the destruction of the Planet.

This is the Dictate of the Cosmos! Humanity has been repeatedly Warned about this from Above, and now such a Time of Reckoning has come!

Therefore, be reasonable!

IF YOU HAVE MIND AND WANT TO LIVE, do not pay attention to anyone, but only to what is coming to you now, as the saving Help from Above!
The long-awaited and salvific cleansing of the World from everything that led us to IMMINENT death began. Everyone should understand this!

Because it is impossible to live the way ignorant and insane people lived. The question of the life and death of the Planet itself has already arisen.

And therefore, the cleansing from darkness and everything from the Devil will be brought to the end! Only people will remain on Earth who have time to change themselves morally.

But we must hurry. For this, these saving Rules are Given ABOVE.

Of course, from ALL the so-called harmful, but in fact SUICIDE, inhuman habits: the use of alcohol, "energy drinks", drugs, smoking, debauchery, swearing, lies, meanness, sycophancy, deception and also from devilish tattoos, cravings for destructive rock "music", rap, animal gatherings and other INHUMAN lifestyle.

That is, FROM EVERYTHING that is low and unworthy for a Human! From all that DIRT that stuck to ALL people, that people began to consider a part of their life, their individual essence and "second nature".

At the same time, they did not even think about who they became and whom they began to imitate and serve.

Therefore, now, during the present Last Judgment, it is necessary to understand: regardless of their belonging to religions, all people without exception began to serve the DEVIL, the enemy of humanity and the Earth!

From Above, people have never been given that what they are drawn to, like pigs to the dirt. People make their own choice between the Light, beautiful life from the Creator and the dirty one from Satan. They themselves chose the worst suicidal life for themselves and disastrous life for the Planet.

That's why the coronavirus came to explain it to everyone in its own accessible way that such people’s lifestyle leads them only to a terrible death, because such "people" have nowhere else to go, except to hell.

It's time to understand this with the help of the coronavirus, since no one wanted to figure it out without it…
Therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to your thoughts!

Thought is the BASIS of everything! The way we think so, in fact, everything works out for us. It is no accident that in ancient times they said: THOUGHTS RULE THE WORLD!

Thought is magnetic. It attracts that what a person thinks about. Therefore, those who think about something dark, low and harmful to others, fill themselves with dark, destructive energy and attract diseases and misfortunes to themselves.

Sooner or later, but naturally, a whole flurry of misfortunes falls upon him, and now when a special Time has come, all those "thinkers" of the dark are already attracting DEATH.

That is why it is so important to wash yourself off from all dark and dirty thoughts and do not allow them to penetrate in yourself. Now any dirt is deadly! But thoughts about protecting Nature and the Earth are simply saving for people now, because even thinking about how to help the Motherland and the World, fills a person with such a high and bright energy that will protect him even from coronavirus. Such is the power of real human thought!

And so the highly moral and wise Laws of Life work! They protect all those who live by its saving Rules and severely punish all those who violate them.

That's why the Rules of Salvation are so necessary now to help you and everyone to understand the truth and pass this terrible Time of the last Exam for life and consciously enter a New Cosmic Time on Earth – as a new, real man!

Homo sapiens must have, not only pure thoughts and soul, but also pure body.

Now everyone has finally started talking about washing hands ... Although it was originally Commandment from Above to be clean in everything, but the swinish, according to the devil's plan, the way of life was closer to all people...

So we got what we were going to: natural and inevitable self-destruction. And at last, people began to learn to live like a human beings with the help of the Cosmic Sword, corona virus at the very abyss.

But many are already paying with their lives for their misunderstanding. And further there will be more…

Therefore, we urgently need to accustom ourselves to constant and CONSCIOUS hygiene: not only to wash our hands somehow, but you have to wash them with soap CONSCIOUSLY AND THOROUGHLY AND BE SURE TO DO IT EVERY TIME BEFORE EATING – without grabbing anything after that, except for the food itself!

From now on all pig habits, for example, eating and simultaneously grabbing your contagious gadget, should be completely forgotten! And of course, your hands should always be clean: when you sleep, touch yourself, in the toilet, etc. so as not to spread the infection around the house and by yourself. EVERYTHING should ALWAYS be perfectly clean at home, too. So never grab your face or hair with infectious hands! Leave this dangerous pig habit in the past.

This is how a real Man should live, especially in the New Space Era, which has ALREADY come.

The past is irrevocably gone and with it, EVERYONE who is not accepted by the NEW Life will leave for good.

Therefore, the question: to live as a pig or to raise yourself to the level of a Human Being is already a matter of YOUR life and death. And it's up to YOU to decide whether to live on or die from the coronavirus.

You are offered what really will help you survive and live on without fear of any viruses.

The main thing for us is to understand quickly WHAT and WHY is happening and to SUCCEED in recasting ourselves for a new bright and safe life. It's in your best interest!
Therefore, today we are talking only about what will really help you survive. There are no trifles – everything is now super important. Such a time has come!

Arriving home, you need to take off your street clothes and change into your home clothes, and an infectious street clothes must be disinfected with antiseptics. Do not spare money for such protection yourself and your home! And we must leave in the past another very dangerous and swinish habit - having come home from the street, sit down on the bed with a dirty and infectious ass!

You must wash every day, not once a week, as swine majority usually do. Under any condition, a person must remain a clean person, not a dirty and smelly pig. If you do not understand this, coronavirus will explain it to you more clearly. And the hair must be washed every day, not once a month, to wash off all the dirt and infection, accumulated during the day. And even if you are staying at home, anyway wash, because a human body (unlike a pig) should always be clean.

After all, in any case, poisonous secretions remain on our skin, which the body gets rid of. Therefore, it is important to wash off everything that prevents the skin from breathing and functioning normally. No infection sticks to a clean person. It is attracted only to two-legged pigs.

Outside the house, when it is not possible to wash your hands with soap, wipe your hands with antiseptics – they should always be with you. Wipe them as often as possible!

After all, thanks to the main infection – people, there is a continuous infection all around!

Therefore, you will be completely safe only when you begin to observe conscious hygiene measures in conjunction with all the saving Recommendations from Above.

Take an example from clean birds and animals, especially wild ones! They follow all hygiene rules. It is the dirty and contagious person that infects them, and not vice versa, as the "scientists" claim!

Therefore, all birds and animals, except for predatory ones, will pass into the New World, which will not let many people through.

Remember: a person who is pure in soul and body will not be touched by coronavirus. Only such people will enter the New World!
If you are an "ordinary person" who has never believed in "mysticism", so now, when a New Time has ALREADY come on Earth, you will have to believe in what used to seem fantastic to you.

Remember: coronavirus is not just a virus pandemic, but a necessary cleansing of human life from everything dark, from what has brought people to a dead end and threatens them and the Earth with inevitable death.

Therefore, try to raise your consciousness to the understanding of the Truth: the coronavirus is the cosmic Healer of distraught humanity and the Savior of our Earth.

If it had not come, people would have finished off Nature and themselves, because the cultural and moral level of mankind is not compatible with the preservation of life on the Planet. It is incompatible with life in the New Cosmic Epoch. Only those who completely – culturally and morally - change themselves will remain alive.

Therefore, it is vital to pay attention to everything that destroys us.

There are NO little things! It is necessary to have time to change your consciousness and your life to the requirements of the NEW ERA!
All smokers, tobacco addicts must urgently realize the mortal danger to themselves! Whoever does not give up his pernicious, devil habit of poisoning himself and others with poison, coronavirus will help him in this, and soon it will be too late to regret your stupidity, soon not a single tobacco addict will be left on the Earth!

Do not forget that tobacco poison actually kills non-smokers, especially children!

And now during a pandemic of a terrible virus, it is especially dangerous. Tobacco poison, penetrating into the lungs, creates the most favorable environment for the coronavirus!

And therefore, not only smokers will die, but also people (and children!) who involuntarily breathed tobacco smoke. So let's fight back against all tobacco killers! Do not pass by where you see not just smelly pigs, but precisely the killers of life.

The coronavirus will destroy them all, together with the producers of death, sellers of poison and mafia officials. Not to be destroyed as an accomplice of murderers and a failed creation of Nature, you should behave as a Proper Person should. Only then will you be safe.

Remember: from now on the coronavirus will personally monitor the proper education of mankind!
All fruits, vegetables and all the other brought from the store, must be washed thoroughly with soap! We must forget the pigs’ lifestyle, when people eat everything that is dirty and contagious without washing.

Don't forget, everything you buy is always dirty! And therefore it is necessary to wipe with an alcohol wipe or burn even bread with fire... Unless you want to get infected and die.
Never use the microwave! Do not allow anyone to heat food in it. This oven is a real killer!

The food heated in it changes molecularly so much that it becomes extremely dangerous for health and life and it hits the most important thing now - the human immune system!

Microwaves are especially dangerous for children and people with poor health.

Never use this deadly oven specifically designed to destroy humanity!
Eliminate all spices from your diet! They are all very harmful to health and life. Red pepper is especially dangerous! It is simply disastrous for people, as it destroys the most delicate and important nerve fibers.

This killer pepper was specially invented by the Devil to destroy the light and high qualities in a person that make people sensitive to differ Good from Evil. These qualities help people a lot to save themselves and their loved ones from many troubles.

Therefore, it is intentionally added almost everywhere in order to turn people into stupid and moral freaks even more quickly and with their help destroy the Earth faster.

It is no coincidence that so many soulless and stupid so called "people"now. Therefore, now, more than ever, we must live consciously!

In addition, red pepper is a killer not only of spiritual health, but also of physical health. All lovers of spicy with its help inevitably acquire the most terrible diseases, including cancer!
It is better to add radish and celery to your regular diet of healthy food! Radish is the best cleanser of the body from cancer cells. And celery gives the necessary burst of vital energy, which is essential for strengthening the immune system and protecting against all diseases.

And all other vegetables, as well as fruits, will greatly contribute to your health, but the main thing is that your body will be built of "non-combustible" material for the coronavirus!
Make it a habit to take baking soda every day! One third of a teaspoon in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals. It is better to drink it with hot milk or at least with mineral water.

It is necessary to take soda daily, without interruptions. So you will greatly strengthen your health and your whole body. And in combination with vegetarianism, your life span will increase very significantly.

This is especially important for those who have been ill with coronavirus. Since this disease burns the supply of psychic energy and significantly reduces a person's life.

Soda is a real panacea for many diseases! Since ancient times it was called Divine Dew, and humanity has been using it for millennia.

Therefore, it is necessary to use soda consciously and with an understanding of its special energy qualities: so its healing effect will only be more powerful. Which is important for strengthening the body and prolonging life.

It is also very important to strengthen health especially heart taking 2-3 tablets of valerian extract daily. Preferably at night, before going to bed.
And one more very important piece of advice in our terrible time: do not be afraid, because fear has a destructive effect on the psyche and attracts to itself what you are afraid of.

Therefore, it is not necessary to think about what "can happen", but it is better to think about how quickly get rid of everything sordid and stupid that prevents you from rising spiritually and morally and this way enter a New World of Light and Truth.

It is especially important to drive away dark thoughts from yourself and think about the light and sublime before going to bed in order not to descend into the lower layers of the dream world and not expose yourself to mortal danger.

After all, it is possible to get sick with coronavirus in a dream, if the thoughts before falling asleep were dark and dirty. That is how most people acquire it. That’s why many people very often fall ill with this virus in their sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night, people feel that something terrible is happening to them!

Thus, people destroy themselves with their low thoughts.
This is only a small part of what you need to know and do in the first place to start the Path of real human life.

People have become too detached from it and have ceased to understand what was given to them initially. Therefore, now we have to make up for everything involuntarily.


Soon after this wave of coronavirus, the next one even more terrible will surely come and pandemics of deadly diseases that cannot be cured will literally mow down everyone who lives a criminal and vile life.

All criminals of all stripes, levels and profiles, all werewolves in shoulder straps, dressing gowns and offices, all prostitutes: ordinary, political and serving the authorities will be destroyed.

The main nest of debauchery in the country, the Brothel-2, will finally be destroyed. Together with all its dirty inhabitants and everyone who protects it. What people outraged by state satanism could not do, the coronavirus will do very soon! And all the hunter-killers and loggers of all stripes will finally be destroyed, because the Earth has no strength to tolerate all this scum that destroys all living things any longer.

All harvesters and sellers of wild plants will also be killed by a deadly virus, because all wild flowers are LIFE-GIVERS, they fill the Earth with the energy of life аnd, if they are destroyed, humanity will perish.

Therefore, even buying wild flowers is deadly! Indeed, in this case, you will be an accomplice in the destruction of the Planet with all the consequences for you.

That's why the coronavirus came to stop completely distraught people so that they wouldn't destroy the Earth in their madness.
The entire LGBT community, all these devilish geeks and perverts will also be destroyed, and together with them, all those who have bred and protected these evil spirits will go to a terrible hell.

EVERYONE who lives a dark life and violates the Laws of Life will soon go to hell!
The coronavirus will not touch only those who live a pure and bright life according to the highly moral Laws of the Creator.

A deadly and incurable disease will naturally mow down all fans of Satanism: rock "music", rap and obscenities. And all lovers of devilish gatherings: discos, nightclubs, rock and obscene "concerts", dirty shows and sports games will be wiped out too.

All fans of football, a crazy game invented for idiots by the Devil, will also be destroyed.

Because all these "people" are servants of evil and enemies of a bright, moral life on Earth and unnatural and dangerous creatures for Nature, radiating satanic "music" and their hellish screams dark, destructive energy for the Earth.

All of them will be destroyed because their diabolical, inhuman way of life has NOTHING to do with the real human, commanded to people from Above.

EVERYTHING that threatens the destruction of Nature, the Earth and humanity will be destroyed. So it will be!
And if even today, when the entire Planet is engulfed in a terrible pandemic, this Truth seems like a “fairy tale” to you, it is only because you, like most people, do not know the REAL history of the Earth.

But you can find it on our special sites. There are no such sites about real history of the Earth anywhere else, and it will be very useful, instructive and vital for you as well as for everyone who wants to understand WHAT is happening now and HOW to survive during the Last Judgment and Reckoning.

You will learn that more than once terrible cosmic cataclysms swept away entire continents and destroyed humanity. From which only a small part of morally healthy people always remained.

And the cause of the terrible disaster has always been the SAME - the complete decomposition and degradation of humanity and his suicidal departure from the evolutionary Path of development Indicated to people by the Creator.

And then, as now people did not believe in what they were warned about from Above and they paid for it with their lives.

It will be the same now.

Life-saving Knowledge for adults and children on VITAL website:

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